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Something To Surrender To
     by Austin Holmes


fear vibrates between flesh

ricocheting off bone

nothing is truly inviolable

upon recollection


time reveals the seams

and how to split them


every year

I seem to unlearn

my understanding of life

the residue of memory

clinging to me

like cosmic dust mingling to new forms

without purpose


yet at night

I stare upward

at the damselflies

like dark strands of vitreous

on the retina of the clouds

darting away

as the eyes chase them


before the sun

arrives from the unwinding dark

the old notes of night’s world fade

as though lightly fallen

upon the skin of a dream

and I give myself to it




The last few years have increasingly taught me that acceptance of human fragility and the ability to be vulnerable is an immense strength, and that often, when feeling crushed by the weight of things we cannot control, it is the intimacy of small moments that bring me back to Earth.




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AUSTIN HOLMES lives in southern Utah, where he spends life with his beloved partner and their dog.  He contemplates what he can and falls in love with the sky daily anew.

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